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Brand positioning: Finding your place in a busy playground

Writer's picture: Desiree ReidDesiree Reid

There are a lot of actions and investments that contribute to brand equity. We’ll go through them.

Your idea becomes a brand.

Your idea is the brand story.

Your brand positioning develops to communicate your brand story, brand mission, and product or service. We have a lot of good tools for this.

Clean Branding in Beauty and wellness - It's a perpetual challenge!

Brands have reputations. Brands have personas that align with their tribe. Brands can be built around a product, service, or cause, or all of them.

Many elements go into creating a brand identity.

Other elements include…

…Brand name—whether descriptive, contrived, or service-related. There may not be a dictionary description for your brand name, but that does not mean you cannot create meaning as part of the brand identity.

…Logo Design, sometimes more recognizable than the brand name, especially in the age of digital and SM marketing. Don’t forget that brand colors are very important to brand identity.

…Your brand has many public aspects. They all have something to contribute to positioning.

Some brands can certainly stand the test of time. The imagery is sometimes more remarkable than what it stands for (comforting AND disturbing at the same time!)

All the elements of your brand are key to finding your place in a crowded market playground. A review of competitive brands in the market is important when developing your brand elements.

What brands can you identify that stand out in a crowded market? What are your favorite brands? What attracted you to those brands in the first place? How did they stand out in the market?

Join and Post in our Facebook Group : Think Digital Workshop Idea-to-Launch We love all the reasons Brand Crushes mean that much to you.


A living case study

This is a Brand Identity Case Study by Kristina Marie, tasked to create a Persona without a logo, brand name or ANYTHING

SUBSCRIBE TO GET THE FULL CASE STUDY. Or just book Kristina for 15 minutes (it's free) and she can talk you through it. She and I also have a Branding Bootcamp Workshop Series from June 2021.

Subscribe to find out more, but for now: Eat up Digital Sushi 101 - Digital Marketing in bitesize pieces



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